never again to tell a lie

This is one of my favorite conversations, happened when I was on my holiday two years ago. I met an old man. From the very first beginning I saw him, me always run and hide just to get away from him. But then both of us were trapped on some kind of situation, which I won’t tell you, and we’re having a really nice conversation that night... that I couldn’t ever forget. Check this out...

Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man








You can say hello when you see me, you don’t have to be afraid.

There are a lot of things going around about me, but none of it’s true. Okay?

Okay. Are you feeling bad about yourself?


I’ve been kind of pain lately. I said something I shouldn’t have.
I really haven’t been good this year.


I’m kind of upset. Because I really like my family even though
sometimes I say I don’t, sometimes I even think I don’t.
Do you get that?
I think so. How do you feel about your family is a complicated thing.
But deep down you always love them. But you can forget that you
love them. You can hurt them, they can hurt you.
That’s not just because you’re young.

Then we switch our story and he started to share his story about his son...

Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man


Old man
























I’m not welcome with my son. Years back, I had argued with my son

How old is he?

He’s grown up. We lost our temper,

and I said I didn’t care to see him anymore.

He said the same, and we haven’t spoken to each other since.

If you miss him, why don’t you call him?

I’m afraid if I call, he won’t talk to me.

How do you know?

I don’t know. I’m just afraid

No offense, but aren’t you too old to be afraid?

You can be old for a lot of things. You never too old to be afraid.

That’s true. I was afraid of our basement. It’s dark.
There’s weird stuff down there, and it smells funny. That sort of thing.
It’s bothering me for years.

Basement are like that

Then I made myself go down to do some laundry and I found out
it’s not so bad.
I worried about it, but if you turn on the light, it’s no big deal.

What’s your point?

My point is, you should call your son.

What if he won’t talk to me?

At least you know. Then you could stop worrying about it.
You won’t have to be afraid anymore.
No matter how mad I was, I’d talk to my dad.

I don’t know

Just give it a shot. I’m sure he misses you.

Hei, you better run home where you belong.
Think about what I said all right?


It’s nice talking to you

Nice talking to you


End of conversation.

“wow, this is great. Having those kinds of conversation with a nice stranger.

A very quite and comfy conversation. I wonder if I could see him again.

Wondering about, how he is today. Well, it has been two years since.

I miss him. How are you today, old man?”

“I guess I won’t tell any lie anymore. Well, at least... I’m working on it. :)

Me, my revolution and my emotion about this conversation.

And not to forget, my feelings about him right now... I really miss him.”

~dhejih is missing him today and forever more.

Cheers for him,



Ariana Hayyulia said…
apa nyambungnya ke tidak berbohong?
dheaditya's said…
jd gini,lho..
aku gak akan boong lagi mengenai perasaan aku thd sesuatu,na.

karena ternyata waktu aku masih muda aja, aku nyuruh orang buat jujur sama perasaannya sendiri..

that's why,,i called it:
never again to tell a lie..

nana juga ya..

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