True Friend

Here is my other half of soul. Other quite comfy conversations. Another inspires experiences. I enjoy life as I love friendship. Best friend is hard to find, but true friend is much having an important effect to get if you work really hard for it. So what is true friend?
I’m sorry I screamed in your face. You were trying to help me, right?
My name is Dhea. Your birds are real nice.
I’ve seen you before. You had pigeons all over you. At first, you look scary, but when I think about it, it’s not so bad.
They must like you to be all over you.
Mmph, If I’m bothering you, I can leave.
Am I bothering you?
Good. Will the pigeons come back on their own or do you call them?
Give me your hand
(then she gives me a bunch of nuts and throw it away to the ground)
They can hear it…
This is great!
Well, it’s pretty cold out. I’d sure like a cup of hot chocolate. How about you?
My treat! Heehee..
On the corner of coffee shop..
I’m just afraid if I do trust someone, I’ll get my heart broken
I understand. But, if you won’t use your heart, who cares if it’s gets broken?
If you just keep it to yourself, maybe it’ll be like my broken rollerblades.
When you don’t decide to try it, it won’t be any good.
You should take a chance.
Got nothing to lose.
Little truth in there somewhere
I think so.
Your heart might still be broken, but it isn’t gone.
Because if it was gone, you wouldn’t be so nice to me tonight..
Thank you, Do you know it’s been a couple of years since I’ve talked to anybody?
That’s okay. You’re good at it.
You’re not boring, you don’t mumble or spit.
You should do it more often.
I’ve been working very hard at keeping people away, don’t i?
I always think I’ll have a lot of fun if I’m alone, but when I’m alone, it’s not really fun.
I don’t care how much people bug me, I’d rather be with someone than alone
So what are you doing alone here on this quite cold night?
Did you get into trouble?
You did something wrong?
A lot of things
Did you know that a good deed erases a bad deed?
But its getting too late, I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to do enough good deeds to erase all my bad ones.
Think of an important thing you can do for others and go do it.
Just follow the star in your heart.
Okay. It’s getting pretty late.
I’d better get going.
And if I don’t see you again, I hope everything’s turns out okay..
Thank you
Say goodbye to all your birds from me
I will
If you need somebody to trust, it can be me.
I won’t forget to remember you
Don’t make promises you can’t keep..
A true friend is actually someone you actually never know who they are. But when they’re existed in front of you, they can make you feel comfortable to share your stories. Whatever you say, they will listen to you carefully. Even they don’t really know you well and trying so hard to understand you completely like what a BEST friend did. True friend can be found anywhere. Yeah, all I need now is TRUE friend.
Cheers for her and my OTHER true friend...
Nobody never make a mistake.
That's why friends are there for you.
They help to remind you.
To help you become a better person than you are now.
And want to accept who you are..
so what are we?
kita satu biji, mereka masing2 1 jg
blm bsa liat gambar pnuh tuh klo blm ngumpul...
ya ya ya.. i see.
pecaya aja lo ma kata2 gw XD