dear lecturer...
Have you ever heard a name, a historical Greek man, Alexander the Great? I guess I have found similar person who has a similar heart with him and also thing that he had ever done to the world. I dedicated this blog to my lovely professor, Aleksius Jemadu, who has a thing inside of him over generosity.
Today the department of international relations,
…”my dear friend please let me go. One day you’ll see that this would be the best thing for us. No worries, successful will come into your way without me or other environment that was surrounded you. It is you who make your own victorious. So my dear friend, I’m sorry if I had disappointed you or even get angry with you. Truly from the heart, I didn’t mean it. I also sorry for not being so funny in class, I was working on it but I guess it doesn’t work out. Thank you for this beautiful flower you gave me, you know your sincere heart is much more beautiful than this. Good bye dear friends”…
Your words, your smile, your kindness…
Will remains all of our good memories. We’ve cried, we’ve laughed. And you right over there keep walking away from us. So this is good bye. No more funny-professor in class. I hope you’ll come back again, just to drop by and say hello. I’m wishing you a very good luck on your new bureau. God bless you, professor.
We’re all proud of you, professor.
Cheers for professor Aleks the Great,
Dhea Aditya.
Away forever more
No one can say, no one could explain
It's time to say goodbye
Block out the sun and pack up the sky
Don't let our tears start to make you cry
Each time We try to say our goodbye
Try to stop asking why
Try to say our goodbye
terima kasih buat semuanya,
Prof. Aleksius Jemadu, Ph.D.
semoga Tuhan selalu menyertai anda dimanapun anda berada
kami sayang anda, Prof.